Friday, May 6, 2011

The RandomDm and TableSmith Tuesdays

A couple of days ago I  just happened to be searching at the right moment in the right place. I found myself in a strange land full of table for random generation and as I was browsing I found at the top of this blog, a post that stood out from the rest. It was called TableSmith Tuesdays.

Now Tuesdays are a good day for me (sort of) I have Grumpy Lady for my visual design class on that day, but at least I get paid on that day which just makes me happy, yet now I have these wonderful guides to look forward to.

The first part in the guide deals with an Introduction to TableSmith starting with header tags. Well header tags are just comments right.. No they are more than comments they allow us to keep the file organised and ready for others to use along with comments they help to share your artwork with others so that they too can learn the code and make it better and better.

For this I am gracious and wish to see more from you in the future RandomDm

I have revised the Earlier tables to be up to date with the Header Tags now in place, let me know what you think?

Download version 1.1a here

Saturday, April 30, 2011

WB Chapter 1 - Stars Step1 Classification

In the Classification of a star it all depends on the magnitude of the star and from there they begin to determine other attributes of the star using known structures of nearby stars where it is easier to determine such. In this guide we do not have that option, so as we may begin with magnitude the way it is normally done. That would bring us on many different roads where the answers may not always be correct and there would be much work needed to accomplish this, so instead of a random magnitude where it is hard to determine the rarity of a star I will begin with the outright classification of the star.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

WB Chapter 1 - Stars I - Classification

The Morgan-Keenan spectral classification

The following illustration represents star classes with the colors very close to those actually perceived by the human eye. The relative sizes are for main sequence or "dwarf" stars.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Lucifer Engine

Random generations and rulesets are often very time consuming, so while I have been writing these steps to help you build a great galaxy I have also been working on a script to randomly generate these details for you.

The prgram used to convert these scripts into data is TableSmith found at Mythosa - TableSmith.

Download this and my tables. Unzip the folder "The Lucifer Engine" and place it in "C:/Program Files/TableSmith/Tables"

If you installed it to the default location only ^

Read up on how to use TableSmith and in no time you will be using it fuently.

One thing to note is that you should only use the world builder and not the galaxy data. An there are parameters you can enter into the tables. Press F11 and you can tell the Table which type of galaxy to generate. Also having a value of random.

The Lucifer Engine.rar v1.0

Friday, April 22, 2011

WB Chapter 1 - Galaxies Step3 Location2

For each of the different types of galaxies we go through and determine if the Solar System is within a cluster and of which type it is.

WB Chapter 1 - Galaxies IV - Clusters

Star clusters  are groups of stars. Two types of star clusters can be distinguished: globular clusters are tight groups of hundreds of thousands of very old stars which are gravitationally bound, while open clusters, a more loosely clustered group of stars, generally contain less than a few hundred members, and are often very young. Open clusters become disrupted over time , but cluster members will continue to move in broadly the same direction through space even though they are no longer gravitationally bound; they are then known as a stellar association, sometimes also referred to as a moving group.

WB Chapter 1 - Galaxies Step2 Location1

We make a roll on 1d100 to determine the location of the Solar System inside of a Spiral Galaxy.

1-18 - Your Solar System is located in the Galactic Bulge. If your Galaxies Classification is Sa or SBa then the Age Mod is +3 if it is Sb or SBb then roll 1d10 if it is 6-10 then the Age Mod is +3 otherwise there is no age mod.

19-86 - Your Solar System is located in the Galactic disk, which includes the arms. No Age Mod is applied here

87-100 - Your Solar System is in the Galactic Halo, all the stars located here are of the Population II type so apply an Age Mod of +3